Saturday, July 14, 2012

Internet Arrives with the Monsoons

[click to see larger image]
Finally, Internet (and fixed phone) has arrived in our new home in Makati. We now no longer have an excuse not to start our blog.

For the cruciverbistes among you there is a little anagram in the title of the blog. No prizes for getting this one.

We created this Blog to keep our friends and family up to date on our year in the Phillipines.

There will be a few posts to catch up on what has happened since we left Carouge on the 26th of May and then we will try to post regularly as things occur. 

On a more technical  note comments are open and public once approved.


  1. Thans for giving news, Soph and Pete or Pete and Soph,

    Hoping everything is alright for you :-)

    Pascale & Richard from here...


  2. Hi Pascale and Richard. So far so good we are well and enjoying...
